Agronomic production of arugula according to different doses of the mixture of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) and cattle manure


Francisca Dávila de Lima; Paulo César Ferreira Linhares, UFERSA; Andréia Aparecida Sampaio; Gabriela da Silva Ferreira; Jezimiel Oliveira da Silva; Adrielle Luciene dos Santos; Andressa Maria da Silva Alves; Lucas Rodrigues Bezerra da Silva ; Lunara de Sousa Alves; Joaquim Odilon Pereira; Walter Martins Rodrigues; Uilma Laurentino da Silva; Glenda Ferreira Justino; João Vitor dos Santos Neris


Vegetables , organic production, Hairy woodrose


Vegetables are grown in a variety of systems, with conventional agriculture dominating most of the global production. However, vegetable production in organic systems has experienced an average annual growth of 20% in recent years, driven by consumers' growing concern about food quality and environmental preservation. This increase is the result of the search for alternatives that reduce dependence on agro-industrial inputs, which have high economic, social and energy costs (Souza & Resende, 2014).

Arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.) is characterized by its herbaceous size, annual cycle, and belongs to the Brassicaceae family (Filgueira, 2018). According to Linhares et al. (2024), the species is of great relevance to farmers who work in organic vegetable production, contributing to increased income.

In the context of organic production, the sources of organic fertilizer used by farmers include manure from different sources, such as cattle, goats and poultry. These resources are widely available on rural properties and are used in arugula production to enrich the soil with essential nutrients (Linhares et al., 2014). The use of organic fertilizer is a common practice that not only improves soil fertility but also promotes the sustainability of agricultural production by reducing dependence on inorganic fertilizers (Matos et al., 2016).

In addition to manure, it is of great importance that farmers know and use green manure species that can be incorporated into crop areas. These species help to improve soil characteristics and fertility in a sustainable manner. Among the species with agronomic potential for the semiarid region, the hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) stands out for its capacity to produce green and dry phytomass, with yields of 42.0 and 6.04 t ha⁻¹, respectively. The hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) also has a nitrogen concentration of 22.2 g kg-1 and a carbon-nitrogen ratio of 17:1 at 104 days after emergence, which makes it an excellent option for green manure (Linhares et al., 2021).

According to Linhares et al. (2021), the use of plant residues in agriculture promotes an improvement in soil structure, contributing to greater water infiltration, increasing the soil's organic matter content, favoring the microbiota and making the soil environment more suitable for agricultural cultivation.

Given the continuous growth in demand for arugula and the need for more sustainable agricultural practices, it is essential to evaluate the impact of different doses of the mixture of hairy woodrose berry and cattle manure on its production. The objective of this study was to analyze the different doses of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) plus cattle manure on the agronomic production of arugula.


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Inovações em pesquisas agrárias e ambientais: Volume VI




6 March 2025


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Agronomic production of arugula according to different doses of the mixture of hairy woodrose (Merremia aegyptia L.) and cattle manure: Vol. Volume 6, Capítulo 5. (2025). Pantanal Editora.