Seed treatment with Stimulate® improves the initial development of peanut plants



Palabras clave:

Arachis hypogaea, Biostimulant, Runner 886, IAC Tatu ST


Seed treatment with biostimulants may be an option to improve the emergence and initial growth of peanut plants. A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of using doses of Stimulate® in seed treatment on the initial growth of plants of two peanut cultivars grown in a sandy Cerrado soil. The treatments were arranged in a randomized block design in a 2 × 4 factorial scheme: two peanut cultivars [IAC Tatu ST (upright growth habit) and Runner IAC 886 (prostrate growth habit)] and four doses of Stimulate® (0; 10; 20; and 30 mL kg-1 of seeds) applied to seed treatment, with three replications. At 21 days after sowing, plant height (PH), main stem diameter (SD), number of lateral branches (NLB), and main root length (RL) were evaluated. Our results showed that peanut cultivars with different growth habits (erect and prostrate) have different responses to the application of Stimulate® doses on plant development, with the IAC Tatu ST cultivar being more responsive to the application of biostimulant. The application of 25 to 30 mL kg–1 of Stimulate® via seed treatment improved initial development of peanut plants grown in sandy soil of the Cerrado Sul-Mato-Grossense under controlled greenhouse conditions.


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