Qualitative and quantitative descriptors for quantifying the genetic diversity of bean seeds





Phaseolus vulgaris L., Vigna unguiculata L. Walp, multivariate analysis, selection, seed conservation


Beans are one of the main vegetable protein sources for human consumption. Breeders always seek a diversity of bean genotypes to establish and select the best genotypes that promote the greatest genetic gain for the crop. This study aimed to determine the genetic diversity of bean genotypes based on the characterization of qualitative and quantitative descriptors. Samples of 17 bean cultivars were acquired from the local seed market in Cassilândia, MS, Brazil. Four quantitative and eight qualitative descriptors were used. The data were subjected to analysis of variance using a completely randomized design with three replications. Quantitative data means were grouped using the Scott-Knott test at a 5% probability level. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used for the qualitative and quantitative data. Genetic diversity was reported for all quantitative and qualitative traits of bean seeds. The weight of 1,000 seeds (169 to 629 g), seed width (4.8 to 8.0 mm), seed length (8 to 17 mm), and seed thickness (3.7 to 7.4 mm) showed highly significant differences (P<0.001) between the genotypes. Seed color (2 classes), primary color (3 classes) and secondary color (3 classes), seed shape (5 classes), degree of seed flattening (3 classes), seed brightness (3 classes), halo (2 classes) and halo color (2 classes) were the qualitative descriptors measured. The qualitative and quantitative descriptors used in this study proved important for describing the germplasm of the bean crop. The principal component analysis showed that the first two components retain 58% of the data variability, forming five divergent groups. The characterization of the bean genotypes showed genetic diversity in their seeds, and the qualitative and quantitative descriptors used contributed to the adequate separation of the genotypes.


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