Sowing times of soybean cultivars in the southern region of Maranhão
Glycine max, grain yield, phenotyping, soybean sowing windowResumo
The sowing time and identification of soybean cultivars with the greatest productive potential in each growing region are crucial factors for maximizing the yield and profitability of crops. This study evaluated the effect of sowing time on the agronomic performance of 40 soybean cultivars and identified the best soybean cultivars to be recommended at each sowing time for the southern region of Maranhão. The field experiment consisted of two sowing times [soybean sown on November 10th, 2023 (1st sowing time) and December 2nd, 2023 (2nd sowing time)] and 40 soybean cultivars arranged in a split-plot experimental design with three replications. The results showed that sowing time and soybean cultivar differed in terms of grain yield potential. Compared with those sown in the first half of November, soybean cultivars sown at the beginning of December exhibit greater agronomic performance. The soybean cultivars BMX Olimpo IPRO, Latitude ADAPTA IPRO, 98R30 CE, BMX Fortaleza IPRO and M 8330 i2X have greater grain production potential when sown in the first half of November. The soybean cultivars SOY AMPLA IPRO, HO Coxim IPRO, DM 74K75 CE, FT® 3868 IPRO, DM 79I81 IPRO and M 8606 i2X have greater grain production potential when sown at the beginning of December.
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